Health Care Costs & Chronic Disease
As health expenditures increase due to costs of various diseases treated, the increasing costs of new medicines for chronic diseases, and enrolment of millions of additional people into the insurance system, it is important considering health policy and access to care for people with chronic diseases that we think about the cost in in terms of the framework of the entire nation, both non-governmental and governmental, local, state and federal expenditures. Read Viewpoint from JAMA about costs of care, particularly the third highlight. Another perspective of health spending in the US is this additional Viewpoint from JAMA. Also look at the next figure comparing per capita healthcare spending by country.
Also look at this recent update from the Commonwealth Foundation, as well as this 2016 report. And note that our policy makers fail to look at the way we compare to the rest of the world in excessive spending for health care to the detriment of all other social "good". Now look at the graphic below which shows the cost of high-risk pools to the various states for coverage of medical costs. Note that in no case did the premium cover the costs.
Basic Data from Wikipedia on US Economy, scan this information using the first sentence as your basic reference. After the first paragraph scroll down to the table of contents and select the section on Health Care (section 13) with emphasis on the fourth paragraph. While the data in this paragraph is from 2008 nothing has changed in the ensuing eight years.
Go to KaiserFF to review the health spending explorer. Take the short tutorial provided on the KFF site and then review the rest of the data.. You may find some useful discussions at the Center for System Change, There is good reference material attached as well, Also go to the updated website at MATHEMATICA Policy Research Using the Link in the HSC Website and Click on the Health link see additional data.
Reference: National expenditure data
Federal Spending in Billions, Compare the data for health care with all else.
GDP for USA From the World Bank. The Gross Domestic Product or GDP is a measure of all of the services and goods produced in a country over a specific period, classically a year.
The GNP: Gross National Product Gross national product (GNP) is the market value of all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens