Open Book, Due [e-mailed] no later than Friday August 11 at 5 PM to If not received by this time your course grade will be considered incomplete.
Read CarefullyChoose Two (2) topics from the attached list of 4(four) options . The response must include the student's name and the title of the question chosen and a word count (not including the title). Write no less than 800 words per topic to demonstrate that you understand the principles discussed on each subject. Remember that the focus of this course is on the principles underlying each topic, how public health relates to the community rather than individuals, how each area within public health requires the use of epidemiologic principles and program assessment . Before starting your essay review the key words in the program syllabus, these form a starting point to the principles discussed in each presentation
The Final Exam will count for 35% of the semester Credit. 85% of the points are given for content and its relevance to the topics. The other 15% of the grade for this examination will be based upon clarity, organization of the topic. and grammar. Graduate students are expected to be able to write using good grammar. Excellent references are 2 small (cheap) booklets: The Elements of Grammar by Margaret Shertzer, Collier Books, NY 1986 or later, and The Elements of Style by Strunk & White, McMillan (3rd Edn. or later)
- Put the entire question (not just the number) at the top of your submission. Add your full name ( these words are not counted as part of the total.)
- Be sure the answer is responsive to the selected question
- Be sure your have read the key words for the session containing information relevant to the question.
- Focus on principles , not on philosophy.
- Remember the basis of public health is epidemiology.
- Three model answers based on topics in the
first half of the semester are included to
show what I expect. These were written by
students from the last academic year.
Barriers to Immunization
Management of Water Programs
Essentials of Community Assessment - Finally, count the words in your presentation ( NOT including the title) using your word processor's word count feature. Place at the end of the essay.
1) Discuss Primary Care in relation to the possible future organization of health services.
2) Discuss how Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene practices combine to protect a worker's health .
3) Discuss the role of Maternal and Child Health programs in current public health practice
4) Discuss the epidemiology of Rabies as an animal disease (zoonoses) that threaten humans, and describe how knowledge of the epidemiology leads to appropriate prevention practices . Do not discuss clinical actions. Suggest measures that can be used to minimize wild & domestic animal (vertebrate) bites .